Terms + Conditions


Class and Event Cancellation Policy

CLass Cancellation

In the event that a class session is cancelled, Stratagem will try to reschedule a make up class in close proximity to the end date of the current term. Rescheduled classes are nonrefundable. If the class cannot be rescheduled due for any reason, clients are entitled to a refund proportionate to the number of class sessions cancelled.  A client's inability to attended a rescheduled class does not qualify for a refund. 

In the rare event of the total cancellation of one of our classes or camps initiated by Stratagem Learning, Stratagem will refund your registration fees in full if Stratagem is the class's primary vendor. To the best of our ability, Stratagem will notify client's of class cancellation's seven days before the class is scheduled to begin.

If registration was completed through a partner academy, recreation center, or other entity, Stratagem guarantees a refund proportionate to funds received as part of the vendor's contract. Further terms and conditions may apply with regards to refunds initiated through partner organizations


Stratagem retains an unlimited right to switch class format, without cancelling sessions or granting refunds, from in-person to online for the term, either in part of in whole, in the event of:

  • Relevant government, school district, or health authority guidance

  • Outbreaks among staff

  • Outbreaks among students

  • Outbreaks among relevant third-parties such as family members or caretakers of our students

Tournament Cancellation

Confirming registration with Stratagem Learning does not guarantee entry in the tournament. Ultimately each tournament gets to decide which entries it accepts  as a separate entity and may limit entries for any reason or for no reason. In our experience this almost never happens, but when it does it is largely due to when the entry was submitted, with earlier entries being strongly prefered. Register early!

 If the tournament rejects your student's entry Stratagem Learning will grant a full refund of received fees.

Registration fees become nonrefundable once your student's entry has been confirmed by the tournament. 

Finally, students must have filled out the emergency contact forms and waivers to participate.


Refunds Initiated by Clients

Updated: 8/6/2024


All class fees become fully non-refundable on the first day of the term.

Refunds sought after the beginning of our term may be granted at the discretion of Stratagem Learning’s Executive Director, but Stratagem Learning is under no obligation to do so. If a refund is granted after the beginning of the term any class for that term that has occurred will be deducted from the value of the refund, regardless of whether or not the relevant student attended any relevant class.

All refunds that occur after the first class session or in the seven preceding days are subject to a $100 fee.


Tournaments & Events

Tournament and event registration fees become non-refundable seven days before the first day of the tournament or event or once registration has been accepted by the tournament or event. This includes all coaching, team, and other participation fees. Additionally, you are solely responsible for any cancellation fees that withdrawing your student's registration from tournaments or events may incur, including fees incurred by withdrawing two students in a partnered event, and your student will be ineligible to participate in further tournaments or events until those fines are settled. 

In the event that you attempt to register your student for a partnered event and your student's partner does not register or withdraws their registration, you are entitled to a full refund, even if the tournament has collected fees or issues fines. 


Judging Policy

Updated: 12/6/2018

Each tournament requires that a number of judges volunteer with the tournament proportionate to the size of our entry. While the formula varies from tournament tournament, generally it is around one judge to every six students. Judge participation is a limiting factor in Stratagem's ability to bring students to tournament and Stratagem reserves the right to preferentially enroll students based on the judging participation of their parents or guardians. Volunteers are entitled to one non-negotiable $5o per day discount for the tournaments or events for which they volunteer. This discount is automatically assessed at the time of checkout and is reflected in the listed subtotal of all services. Volunteers are limited to one discount per volunteer per event or tournament. Discount eligibility is contingent on volunteering in the tournament and refunds may be voided if volunteers do not attend the tournament for which they have volunteered.


Judges may only volunteer for one event per tournament and may not volunteer for any combination of speech, debate, or Congressional Debate, except where tournament rules allow. Volunteering for more than one event on the same day does not qualify volunteers for additional discounts. 

Tournaments take this volunteer commitment extremely seriously and will assess fines if you have volunteered to judge a round but do not attend. Volunteer judges are solely responsible for any fees or fines that your participation or lack thereof may incur. Your student will be ineligible to participate in further tournaments or events until those fines are settled. 

Volunteering is a private commitment between judges and the not-for-profit tournament entity, school, and/or school district to which the tournament belongs. Volunteer judges are not employees, contractors, or agents of Stratagem Learning and retain no employment rights, contractual or otherwise. By agreeing to volunteer as a judge you attest that you are at least 18 years old; have graduated high school; have not participated in a high school debate program for at least one academic year; are not a felon or other person prohibited from working with or around minors by the laws of the United States or the State of California, any contractual or judicial agreement, mandate, or order; and that you agree to hold Stratagem Learning harmless in the event of any harm or injury that you should incur in the course of your volunteer service. Stratagem Learning retains the right to reject volunteer judges for any reason or no reason. 


Referral Discount Policy

Stratagem Learning offers a $100 referral discount to any client who has enrolled their student in one of our middle school programs and who satisfies the conditions listed below.

  • This discount represents no cash value and is not transferable.

  • The discount will be applied as a refund to an already completed purchase.

  • The discount applies retroactively to the referring party’s purchase, not to the person being referred.

  • The discount vests when the referred student completes our registration process.

  • The referred student may not be a current Stratagem Learning student or a student who has attended a Stratagem Learning class in the last 3 years.

  • The referred student may not be a sibling, immediate family member, or the sibling or immediate family member of a student currently enrolled in any Stratagem Learning class.

  • The client has the choice of either having the value refunded to their original payment instrument or credit the value forward to tournaments, classes, camps, or merchandise.

  • The discount applies to one purchase for the next term only. If you signed up for both terms in advance, it will be applied proportionately to the discounted rate paid for the next term.

  • The discount can be applied multiple times for multiple referrals, but the combined discount value cannot exceed 100% of your Fall term purchase price.

  • This offer expires one week after the first session of your student’s respective practice group. 

  • Please reach out to info@STRTGM.org or Mr. Fagan directly to collect this discount.